What is Wellbeing?

The first thing we need to think about is what do we mean by “wellbeing”?

Wellbeing is a mix of physical and mental healthiness and is what keeps ourselves strong and well. It is important that we look after both our physical and mental health so we can face the challenges that life throws at us.

Experiencing stress or low mood can have a significant impact on our wellbeing and also the opposite, not taking care of our wellbeing can impact on symptoms of stress and low mood.

Just pause for a minute and have a think. What are the symptoms when we are stressed or low?

So, symptoms of low mood/stress can affect wellbeing and vice versa. Some of the symptoms include:

Sleep Problems

Sleeping too little or too much.

Appetite Problems

Not eating, comfort eating or eating the wrong kinds of food. 

Negative Thoughts

We all have these from time to time but when we are feeling stressed or low they can be persistent and overwhelming 

Restlessness or being slow in your movement

You may fidget at lot and be unable to settle or you might slow down and move around more slowly than normal to the point where people notice.

Lacking Concentration

Sticking to tasks may be difficult and you may find it hard to focus on one thing such as reading or watching television. You may jump from task to task without completing things.

Feeling down or anxious

Your mood maybe low and you may find you struggle to enjoy things you normally would and that it takes a lot more effort to get through the day. If you are feeling anxious you may feel worried or scared about going out or being around other people. This may stop you from doing the things you normally would throughout the day.

Not doing the things you used to

You may stop doing any hobbies you enjoy or stop meeting up with friends etc.

Thoughts of being better off not here or of harming yourself

You may have thoughts around suicide or self-harm.