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In crisis and need help now?

Together We CIC are not a Crisis service. We aim to support individuals the best we can but do not provide support 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

If you do feel you are in Crisis, we would suggest contacting your GP within their opening hours.

If you require support out of hours, please see the links below of various services which are here to help and offer support.    

If you are in an emergency and require medical treatment, call 999.

Emergency Medical Treatment

If you need emergency medical treatment, you must call 999. An emergency is when someone needs medical help to save their life. If someone needs medical help to save their life, you must call 999.

(24 Hour Service)NHS Cumbria Crisis Team

Call: 0800 652 2865
Text: 07795 656 226

If you need urgent help, call 24 hours a day, 7 days week – for adults, children, young people and deaf people.

(24 Hour Service)NHS 111

Call: 111
Call (Text Relay): 18001 111

111 is a telephone service provided by the NHS. It is the number you should call when you need advice or medical treatment quickly, and you cannot wait for an appointment to see your doctor.

SAFA - Self Harm Support

Call: 01229 832269
Email: info@safa-selfharm.com

SAFA is committed to making a positive difference to the lives of individuals whom self-harm and to those who support them. We work with the full spectrum of self-harming behaviours confidentiality alongside non-judgemental support

(24 Hour Service)Samaritans

Call: 116 123
Email: jo@samaritans.org

24 hour confidential support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those who could lead to suicide.

Mindline Cumbria

Call: 0300 561 0000
Email: info@mindlinecumbria.org

Mind are a mental health charity. They believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. They’re here for you. Today. Now. They’re on your doorstep, on the end of a phone or online. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or in crisis. They’ll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.

(24 Hour Service)Shout

Text "shout" to : 85258

Shout 85258 is a de-escalation, volunteer-driven service. This means that we work with people in immediate distress to take them to a calmer moment and empower them with support and techniques to take their next steps to feeling better and handle future issues.

Papyrus (HOPELINEUK) - Prevention Of Young Suicide

Call: 0800 068 4141
Text: 07860 039 967
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org

HOPELINEUK is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.