Working together to improve mental health and wellbeing.
The North Cumbria Recovery College began in 2021 to provide support for Adults aged 18+ in Allerdale Copeland, Carlisle and Eden.
The college provides group sessions and opportunities for those experiencing mental or physical health difficulties, or those caring for someone who does, to engage in a variety of courses and groups that are focused on increasing understanding, developing skills and confidence to be able to take control of your mental and physical wellbeing.
What is a Recovery College?
A Recovery College provides a range of different courses or groups designed specifically to increase awareness and understanding of recovery and what it means to each individual.
Research has shown there are four main reasons as to why Recovery Colleges form such a core part in the development of a more recovery-focused mental health service:
Recovery College Timetables
North Cumbria Recovery College
Courses/Group for Adults aged 18+
West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership Recovery College
Courses/Group for Parents, Children and Young People and Families
RECOLLECT 2 is a five-year programme of work to better understand Recovery Colleges in England. As they are rapidly expanding, we want to explore how Recovery Colleges might benefit those that use them by exploring the impact of Recovery Colleges on student outcomes.
Facilitate Personal Growth
The Recovery College model is co-production, co-design, and co-delivery. Shared learning allows for an active role in shaping learning experiences as well as building on strengths to ensure supported personal growth.
Make new connections
Connect with people and places in the wider community whilst working towards your own goals and taking control of your mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Empowering Environment
A Recovery College can provide an empowering environment in many ways. We want to create a safe space where people can share experiences and expertise as well as own personal choice to attend.
Enabling Relationships
A step away from the 'Them' and 'Us' relationships. A key feature is that all interactions between those with lived experience and those with clinical expertise should be equal.
Positive stories of change!
We hear lots of stories of change from individuals across all of our services and we have the privilege of seeing the positive impact we have had.
Thinking about volunteering?
We’re always looking for new volunteers! Click the button below for more details on how to get involved!
Some of our college attendees have now gone to become volunteers and staff members for Together We CIC and The Recovery College.
"I have been learning techniques to be assertive in situations and say what I need, I attend and learn about DBT skills, developing chains of my unhelpful behaviours that I am now working through to break. I have been able to also bring my partner along and work as a couple to develop our wellness together"