Problem Solving

We are now going to look at using the six stages of problem solving to make a plan on how to change.

The steps are as follows:

1. Write the problem/change down

why do you think this is important? 

2. What are the solutions?

Think of as many solutions as possible. Even some crazy ones, its important to think outside of the box when doing this to trigger thinking that is outside of our usual patterns. Consider every solution even if it may not be used.

3. Write down the pros and cons of the solutions

Do this for all of your solutions. 

4. Choose a solution with the most pros and least cons

5. Make a plan and carry it out

Once you have chosen your solution you can plan how you are going to move forward. This is where your research may come in and then carry out your plan.

6. Review your change and make new changes if needed

Once we have carried out our plan and made our change new things may come to light that need tweaking or other changes maybe necessary. You can repeat these steps for the new changes.

When we are involved in a life problem we often don’t think straight about how to deal with it and try things that are not beneficial to us or the problem in hand. By using these six steps we can give more focus to the problem and hopefully have success in solving it or making the change.