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How can we help you?

See below for all of our frequently asked questions!

How do i make a referral?

Together We CIC accepts referrals from many sources, self referral, from a GP or other professional and others. 

Visit the Talk page  or Resources Page to download a copy of our referral from.

Or contact us via phone 0808 196 1773 or email us info@togetherwe.uk for more information.

What is the waiting time for an assessment?

Together We CIC are always accepting new referrals. 

Our waiting times are subject to constant change due to high volumes of referrals.

Current wait time for an assessment after initial contact is around 4-6 weeks. 

Is there a cost for Together We services?

The majority of our services are free!

We do have some paid for services and these are advertised and advised at booking.

As a non for profit we are highly dependent on donations so please consider making a donation. You can do this by using the tap points in our facilities or by using our local giving page.

What is a Recovery College?

A Recovery College is a number of courses and groups which have been designed to help support an individual's recovery from mental health through learning and education that is co-produced by people with lived experience and professionals.

To speak with a member of our North Cumbria Recovery College team use the contact us section on the website, call 0808 196 1773 or email hello@ncrecoverycollege.org.

What is the age range for support?

We offer a range of services which offer support to a variety of ages.
Our Talk Family interventions and Together We Carry provides support for age ranges 0-11 years old.
Talk provides individual support for Children and Young People aged 11+ with no upper age limit for adults.
When you enter our service, you will be assessed and assigned to the correct program.
Our self registration programs:
The Recovery College offers courses and groups for adults aged 18 +
The Discovery College offers support for Children and Young people aged 14- 18 years old and Parents and Carers of Children and Young People aged 5-12 years old.
Together Fitness is open from 14 years onwards but please check each session prior to attending as some sessions are shared with the recovery college.

What happens if I can't make an appointment?

We understand that sometimes things do pop up at the last minute which means you can no longer attend your appointment.

If this is the case, please do let your practitioner know by either contacting them directly, calling us on 0808 196 1773 to speak with one of our admin staff.

Admin can then pass this message over to your practitioner who will contact yourself to reschedule that appointment.

How many sessions will I have?

Together We Talk- Typically a practitioner may offer between 6-12 sessions for Talk support, however this is different for everyone and can be discussed with your practitioner. 

Together We Fitness- Fitness Clients will be offered 12 weeks free 1-1 sessions with our Talk and Exercise Practitioner. 

Sessions will be designed around the initial assessment which will be conducted at your first appointment with Together We. 

From here practitioners can look at your goals and design your sessions to best support and help you to improve your mental and physical health and wellbeing.  

Will my sessions make me feel better?

Together We supports individuals to empower themselves to find recovery within their mental health and physical health problems- Therefore the practitioner will work with you on what your better looks like and we will strive towards that.

Can I bring my children to sessions?

Recovery College- Children are not permitted to attend any Recovery College sessions or groups.

Together We Talk- To be discussed with your practitioner.

Will I need to take time off work to attend?

Together We Talk- Discuss with your practitioner.

Recovery College- RC have online and in person sessions which take place outside of normal working hours.  

Or we can provide you with an appointment email or letter if your employer requires proof of appointment.

Have a question or query which isn't answered above?

Contact us using our contact form and we would be happy to help with any questions or queries you have.