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Together We - Carry

Maternal Mental Health Support

Together We Carry aims to improve a family’s wellbeing by helping to facilitate carrying their child with different types of carriers and Slings.

We have various support options as part of our Maternal Mental Health Project.  We offer one to one support to link families with community support and resources.  We also run Psychoeducational groups, peer support groups and Sling Support.

Funded and supported by the NHS, a Ways to Wellness project.


Wellbeing benefits of carrying

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Improved bonding and attachment between parents and babies.


Positive impact on breastfeeding.


A content baby resulting in a content mother.

Self Regulation

Babies have the feeling of security and ability to self-regulate.


Release of oxytocin in mothers, which plays a role in social bonding.

Meet with our link worker to identify what matters most to you to support your mental and physical health and wellbeing.

One to One support

Our practitioner will invite you to regular one to one appointment’s and will support you to make connections and gain confidence.

We can support you by referring on to external organisations for additional support, accompanying or helping you to access local baby groups and referring you onto our own Recovery College Groups.

Together We Carry have a variety of different links with external organisations which can offer extra support: Family Action, Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), Law Centre, Cumbria Voluntary Service (CVS), Social Prescribing, Maternity Voice Panel, Happy Mums, Safe Families, Health Visitors, Tiny Lives Newcastle and many more…

Psycho-educational Groups​

We have had groups delivered by various external providers such as Happy Mums and are exicted for more courses coming soon!


You can find information and links to various organisations here.

Groups which focus on supporting mums mental and physical health. These groups have a focus on areas that will support maternal wellbeing such as sleep, eating and mindfulness.

Sling Hire

We believe that using a sling or baby carrier can be hugely supportive during the parenting journey, producing physical and mental health benefits for both mum and baby.

We can offer:

We have over 100 slings available for hire, with support and guidance on what slings would be best suitable. Our practitioners will also work with you to support with fit and safety with the opportunity to attend regular sling meets held across the region.

Click the button below to find out more!

Health and Safety

Nothing is more important to us than you and your baby’s safety.

Our team are trained with Slingababy, School of Babywearing and Sling School.

All practitioners are fully insured.

Our link worker Jo is a certified sling consultant who also runs Sling Peer Supporter training courses.


For more information on slings and safety considerations follow the links below: